Thursday, October 8, 2009


I'm a big fan of Showit. Their websites are super easy to build (hey, even I could do it!) and they look spectacular. They even offer a mini version you can try out for free.

But what I first found at Showit was their online slideshow program. I had seen Jasmine Star's slideshows and couldn't help but love them. I finally decided that, like great shoes and a fab bag, Showit slideshows were a necessity. If you're a photographer and considering purchasing Showit Slideshows you should check out Jasmine's site for a discount code (enter Showit in the search engine on her blog and you'll be able to find it). Might as well save yourself some money while you're at it. :-)

Some of these have been posted before, but just in case you've missed them and don't feel like searching, here are a few of my Showit slideshows...

Some family sessions: One - Two - Three

Alexis - Baby Bump

Shelly & Randy

Sarah & Jerry




There are more to come, but these are to be retired soon and are worthy of a final look.



Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Very Own Website...

I finally have a website to go along with the blog. It's actually pretty cute, I impressed myself with it. :-)

Click on the picture, or here, to check it out.



Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wow... A Whole Month!

I may just be the worst blogger EVER!

On the upside, it means now I have lots of stuff to blog. Let's see... babies, families, couples, a wedding; lots of pictures, plenty of slideshows.

Tomorrow. I promise there will be something new here tomorrow; I'm not sure what it will be, but it'll be new and it'll be here.


