Well, that's not really true. I don't generally LOVE sweet potato fries. I like them, but I only order them on occasion.
But I really love the sweet potato fries at Montana's in Bayer's Lake. Really. Jason and I tend to end up there on Date Night, that one night every week or so when we can sit across from each other and have a conversation with no distractions. He has a thing for the Goat Cheese Chicken Something or Other (I don't order it so I don't have to know the specific name). I'm a picker - he lets me scoop some goat cheese off his plate even though he's not allowed anything from my plate - and the goat cheese is fab.u.lous!
I get cranky when I'm hungry (you didn't know that?) so we sometimes order an appetizer to keep me happy. We tried a few different things but hit the jackpot with the sweet potato fries - better than I've had anywhere else, they've now become our go-to app. Try 'em, you won't be disappointed. Then, take your receipt when you leave and fill out the customer survey online and get a code for a free app the next time you go back. Win, win.
Oh, if you're going and want company, give me a buzz.
email: karenk{at}eastlink.ca
website: http://www.karenkyte.com