It's been a month. Exactly. I got the phone call from my doctor one month ago today, at this time of the morning. And my world blew up. It's been nonstop cancer ever since. Cancer, lymph nodes, "areas of concern," mastectomy, lumpectomy, radiation, MRI, mammogram, ultrasound, biopsy, appointments, appointments, appointments, phone calls, books, information, decisions, decisions, decisions.
I hate it. I'm scared of it. I want to stop talking about it. I want to stop thinking about it. I want it to go away.
But cancer doesn't take a break.
I know, I tried. Last night we unplugged the phone. I turned off my mind. I tried to make it go away. But it was still there, in my head, dancing around. Six o'clock this morning, after a night of restless sleep, I was wide awake and up for the day. Thinking. Looking for a distraction. Pretty pictures of pretty flowers, perhaps. Nope, that only lasts for a moment.
I'm still hoping for a break. But cancer doesn't take a break.
I'm still hoping for a break. But cancer doesn't take a break.
email: karenk{at}