As I stated previously, my oncologist recommended that I have my wisdom teeth removed before beginning any treatments. Right, because I don't have enough other stuff going on, let's throw in some dental surgery! I first discussed this with my regular dentist, Dr. Q. He's been after me for years to have them removed; his reasoning, the longer you wait, the more chance they'll become a problem; the longer you wait, the harder it is to get them out; the longer you wait, blah blah blah... :-)
I have a low pain threshold - read: I'm a wuss. So I put it off and put it off and put it off.
As luck would have it, three weeks ago one of the wisdom teeth starting causing a problem and off I went to see Dr. Q. He was very compassionate about my struggle and the treatments I have to go through, but thought it might be time to have the wisdom teeth removed. He looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes and said, "I don't want to say I told you so, but... " I laughed and shook my head, yes, indeed, he told me so.
Off I went to the oral surgeon yesterday. Terrified. Absolutely terrified. I think I hide it well when I'm that terrified, or at least I try to. After a minimal wait in the waiting room, the nurse came for me. As we walk to the surgery room, she asks how I'm doing. "Terrified," I squeak out. I guess I'm done hiding it! She gets all my information straightened away and hooks me up to an IV with some happy drugs. I remember the dentist coming in, maybe another nurse, I heard some drilling, I remember some pulling, and being little agitated at one point. And then it was over. Hmmmmmm. Done. Easy. Who knew.
After a short recovery period, they sent me home. But, boy, was I high. The night before surgery, I reminded Jason he was not to record me after surgery with all the surgical drugs in me. But we got home and I was high and I said to him, "Oh oh oh, you should record me!!!" Yes, I was excited. And high.
So he did. And it still cracks me up. I shared this on my facebook page, not thinking I would ever share it here for everyone to see, but it's just too funny to not share it with you...
email: karenk{at}