Saturday, April 2, 2011

Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes | Halifax, NS

Since having my wisdom teeth out, my diet has consisted of liquids and soft foods.  There's no chewing allowed so I've been eating things that go in and slide right down - chicken noodle soup, tomato soup, Kraft Dinner, yogourt, applesauce, and ice cream.  That kind of stuff doesn't really fill you up.  At least, it doesn't fill you up for long!

Yesterday I decided it was time for something with a little more sustenance.  Bring on the potatoes.  Ooooey, goooey, mashed potatoes.  Talk about delicious - I will never have potatoes this good again. 

That little pat on the top?  That's just some extra fabulousness - don't judge...

When that big bowl of deliciousness wasn't enough, I moved on to sweet potatoes...
That's right.  Don't be jealous.
email:  karenk{at}

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm Wisdom-less | Halifax, NS

As I stated previously, my oncologist recommended that I have my wisdom teeth removed before beginning any treatments.  Right, because I don't have enough other stuff going on, let's throw in some dental surgery!   I first discussed this with my regular dentist, Dr. Q.  He's been after me for years to have them removed; his reasoning, the longer you wait, the more chance they'll become a problem; the longer you wait, the harder it is to get them out; the longer you wait, blah blah blah... :-)  

I have a low pain threshold - read:  I'm a wuss.  So I put it off and put it off and put it off.

As luck would have it, three weeks ago one of the wisdom teeth starting causing a problem and off I went to see Dr. Q.  He was very compassionate about my struggle and the treatments I have to go through, but thought it might be time to have the wisdom teeth removed.  He looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes and said, "I don't want to say I told you so, but... "  I laughed and shook my head, yes, indeed, he told me so.

Off I went to the oral surgeon yesterday.  Terrified.  Absolutely terrified.  I think I hide it well when I'm that terrified, or at least I try to.  After a minimal wait in the waiting room, the nurse came for me.  As we walk to the surgery room, she asks how I'm doing.  "Terrified," I squeak out.  I guess I'm done hiding it!  She gets all my information straightened away and hooks me up to an IV with some happy drugs.  I remember the dentist coming in, maybe another nurse, I heard some drilling, I remember some pulling, and being little agitated at one point.  And then it was over.  Hmmmmmm.  Done.  Easy.  Who knew.

After a short recovery period, they sent me home.  But, boy, was I high.  The night before surgery, I reminded Jason he was not to record me after surgery with all the surgical drugs in me.  But we got home and I was high and I said to him, "Oh oh oh, you should record me!!!"  Yes, I was excited.  And high.

So he did.  And it still cracks me up.  I shared this on my facebook page, not thinking I would ever share it here for everyone to see, but it's just too funny to not share it with you...

email:  karenk{at}

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect...| Halifax, NS

Practice does make perfect, it's true.  That's what they tell you when you're learning to read, when you're learning to write, when you're learning to ride a bike, it makes me a better photographer, a better writer, even a better person.

The concept is not hard to master - you'd like to be good at something so you do it over and over and over again, each time getting just a little bit better at it.  Perfect is hard to come by, some times it is even unattainable, but getting better and better with practice and patience is worth all the effort.

I've been practicing a lot this week.  Before I can begin my chemo and radiation treatments, my doctors recommended I have my two remaining wisdom teeth extracted.   Should they remain, they could cause a problem if they become infected while I have no immune system.  That wouldn't be fun!

So I've decided to practice my wisdom tooth extraction recovery in the best way possible...

email:  karenk{at}