Let me rephrase that... I'm pretty sure I'm getting the new camera, but I'm struggling with what to get.
Right now I'm shooting with a Canon Digital Rebel xt; it's a good first digital SLR, but if I want to push my skills to the next level, I'm going to have to upgrade.
I'm considering the Canon 5D but I'm not sure if that's enough of an upgrade. In 6 months or a year will I wish I had gone to the Mark II? From my pocketbook vantagepoint, the Mark II is a bigger upgrade than I want to take at this point.
But if I'm not going to be satisfied with the 5D, maybe I should hold off until the Mark II is an affordable option.
Or maybe neither of these cameras are the ones for me, maybe there's another option out there.
Ahhhhhh, so many decisions! If any photogs out there want to weigh in, please do so - I'd love some input from people who are actually using the equipment and can give me some solid advice.
And because it's finally a beautiful day here in Eastern Canada, flowers seemed like the perfect choice for today's pictures.
Happy Saturday!