Tuesday, February 9, 2010

As I said, 'tis the season....

I promise I won't post all the family birthdays coming up!

But I have to wish my big sister a Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday, Lori; I hope you have a fantabulous day.  And I'm glad we don't have to dress like this any more...


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cake and a concert...

Today we celebrated my cousin's tenth birthday.  It's quite the milestone, going from boy and heading toward the teen years.  He's the oldest of four children so he's leading the path for the rest to follow.  After tonight, it's obvious he's a good leader and he will make us all proud.

We did the usual family celebrations:  dinner, cake, presents.  Once he was done with his presents, the Birthday Boy announced he would be performing for us.  This is not unusual by any means - these kids love to perform and any time we are gathered together in a room they will sing, dance, or tell us a joke.  The Birthday Boy has been playing the violin at school for a few years so the instrument comes out every so often for a solo.

But tonight the Boy started off in a somber tone.  Tonight he would be playing for Haiti.  He continued to tell us the story about the New Victorian Violin School for the less fortunate.  Ten years ago, on January 12, 2000, the school was completely destroyed by fire.  Ten years (to the day) later, on January 12, 2010, the school was once again destroyed, this time by the devastating earthquake.

And so he played.  And his sister passed the cup.

If you would like to know more about the New Victorian School and their story, please click here.


Happy Birthday, O!  You did a great job!


email:  karenk{at}eastlink.ca