My day wasn't going so well. I needed to mentally escape. I wiped the tears away and laid my head in my hands. "Go to your happy place, go to your happy place," I said to myself.
I instantly went to that day on the beach. We were spontaneous, which is so not like either of us. I was in the midst of radiation, and with the end of treatment in sight I was in good spirits. I changed out of my hospital gown and into my skirt. It was a gorgeous spring day that called for flip flops. We left the hospital, hopped into the car, and decided to just do it - let's hit the beach. Because we can.
We took off our shoes and walked hand in hand. There were very few people around and we felt like we had the beach all to ourselves. We talked about how lucky we were. Lucky to have found each other, lucky to be getting through treatment, lucky to have this day. We took our time and enjoyed each others company. We stopped and took pictures to help us remember, and I'm so glad we did.
My heart remembers the peace, the joy, the contentment.
This is my happy place.
email: karenk{at}