Monday, December 5, 2011


I've always known that I was lucky, that I have a great Mom, that she's strong and funny, that she could do anything, that she would do anything.

But until my diagnosis I didn't really get it, I didn't see the whole picture.  It's as though my diagnosis opened my eyes and turned the lights on.

Now I see this incredible woman who can get through anything... and will do it with a smile, a joke, and love.  It makes me sad that I didn't fully get it til now, that I wasn't always the easiest person to live with, that I took her for granted.

But I'm so glad that I get to tell her now!  

I love you, Mom.  Happy Birthday!  And thanks for being you... and for putting up with me.  I'm sorry for the teen years and, sadly, for the ones that followed.  Thanks for the love and support you give every single day.  Thanks for the encouragement.  Thanks for being proof that we can get through it and be thankful.  

I'm thankful for you.


email:  karenk{at}


  1. What a beautiful tribute to your Mom. But you make yourself sound like an ogre. I don't remember our time together during the teen and early adult years as a problem. I loved you then and still love you now. I hope I was there for you when you needed me as you are here now when I need you. Hopefully together we'll conquer all.

  2. That is so beautiful Karen! Made me cry!!
