Thursday, March 10, 2011

Much Ado About Nothing...

Nothing, that's what we're doing and it's been just perfect.

We've been visiting with my parents and trying to forget about the cancer and the possible treatments I will be facing. My days have been quiet and uneventful and perfect. I've been lucky enough to see most of my folks' friends and get lots of hugs - these people have been a constant source of support for Mom and Dad and, in turn, for me as well. My support team just gets bigger and bigger and I just love it.

The park here is calm and peaceful and beckons daily walks. Early morning walks are brisk and cool but a great way to start the day; early evenings are best for a stroll with my boy. We wander hand in hand and marvel at how lucky we are to be here with my parents and how lucky we are to take a cancer break. I wish everyone going through the struggle of treatments were so lucky. Once we get back to our life, treatments will start up and be nonstop until I am healthy again.

Much ado about nothing... and yet much ado about so much, too.


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